
POST api/visual/modeler/runway

No documentation available.

POST api/visual/runway

No documentation available.

POST api/visual/modeler/dependency

Generates Visualizer specifically for the Modeler using the current Modeler plan order/prioritization

POST api/visual/dependency

No documentation available.


GET api/statusreports/my?States[0]={States[0]}&States[1]={States[1]}

Get a list of my status reports

GET api/statusreports/mysubmit

Get list of submitted reports for me to approve

GET api/statusreports/{id}/pdf

Get status report as PDF

GET api/statusreports/{id}/ppt

Get status report as PPT

GET api/statusreports/{id}/doc

Get status report as Word

GET api/statusreports/{PlanId}?ReportId={ReportId}

Get latest report for plan

POST api/statusreports/{id}/approve?Comments={Comments}

Approves a Report

POST api/statusreports/{id}/reject?Comments={Comments}

Rejects a Report

POST api/statusreports/{id}/recall

Recall a report

DELETE api/statusreports/{id}

Submit a report

POST api/statusreports/{id}/submit

Submit a report


POST api/mywork/RejectUpdate?TaskId={TaskId}

Reject a task update

POST api/mywork/AcceptUpdate?TaskId={TaskId}

Approve a task update

POST api/mywork/{id}

Update my work task

GET api/mywork/statusfields

Get a list of all status fields

GET api/mywork/getupdate/{id}

Get an update for a specific task

GET api/mywork/activities

Get My Activities

POST api/mywork/activities

Update Activities

GET api/mywork/tasks?PeriodStart={PeriodStart}&PeriodEnd={PeriodEnd}&ShowComplete={ShowComplete}&UserId={UserId}

Get My Work for period


GET api/events?List={List}

Get a list of all events

GET api/events/{Id}/log

Get logs for event

POST api/events

Add Event

POST api/events/bylist/{list}

POST api/events/{id}

Update Event

DELETE api/events/{id}

Delete Event


GET api/ts/search?SearchString={SearchString}&UserId={UserId}&PlanId={PlanId}

Search for tasks in timesheet

GET api/ts/periods?Closed={Closed}

Get list of timesheet periods

GET api/ts/fields

Get list of timesheet fields

GET api/ts/timesheet?PeriodId={PeriodId}&UserId={UserId}

Get timesheet for user

POST api/ts/timesheet/lines

Update Timesheet Line

DELETE api/timesheet/{Id}/lines/{LineId}?UserId={UserId}

Remove timesheet line

POST api/timesheet/lines/delete

Remove timesheet lines.

GET api/timesheet/{Id}/workflow/{lineId}

Get workflow stage for a timesheet line

POST api/timesheet/{Id}/recall?UserId={UserId}

Recall Timesheet Lines

POST api/timesheet/{Id}/submit?UserId={UserId}&AllRows={AllRows}

Submit timesheet lines

PUT api/timesheet/{Id}/lines?UserId={UserId}

Add Timesheet Line

GET api/timesheet/lines?PeriodId={PeriodId}&UserId={UserId}

Get Timesheet Lines

GET api/ts/timesheet/lines?MyApprovals={MyApprovals}&PeriodId={PeriodId}&UserId={UserId}

Get timesheet lines for a period

POST api/ts/stopwatch/start?UserId={UserId}&offset={offset}

Starts a new stopwatch and will stop any other currently running stopwatches (if validation passes)

POST api/ts/stopwatch/stop?currentTime={currentTime}&UserId={UserId}&offset={offset}

Stops the specified stopwatch and updates the TimesheetHours in DB

POST api/ts/stopwatch/stop?TimesheetLineId={TimesheetLineId}&currentTime={currentTime}&UserId={UserId}&offset={offset}

No documentation available.

POST api/ts/stopwatch/validate

No documentation available.


GET api/cost/tree

Get cost categories tree

POST api/cost/externalimport

Import costs from any source.

POST api/cost/{id}/copy?CostTypeTo={CostTypeTo}&CostTypeFrom={CostTypeFrom}&Start={Start}&End={End}

Copy costs from one type to another

POST api/cost/{id}/detail?Index={Index}&CostCategory={CostCategory}&CostType={CostType}

Add detail row


POST api/mpp/createplan?template={template}&PlanId={PlanId}

No documentation available.

GET api/mpp/templates

No documentation available.


POST api/notifications/task/{planId}/list

Get Task Notifications for a specific plan. Will also return Global task notifications if the user has sufficient permissions.

POST api/notifications/task/{planId}/create

Create a Task Notification by configuring a TaskNotification object and passing in the Plan Id

POST api/notifications/task/{planId}/{notificationId}/update

Update a Task Notification by configuring a TaskNotification object and passing in the Plan Id

DELETE api/notifications/task/{id}/delete

Delete a Task Notification by the notification ID.

POST api/notifications/task/config/time/{hour}

Create or update a CoreSchedule entity to run Daily/Weekly scheduled jobs for Task Notifications

GET api/notifications/task/config/check

Check the configuration to see if a Schedule has been setup for Task Notifications.


GET api/notifications/surveys

No documentation available.

GET api/notifications/new

Get my new notifications

POST api/notifications/{id}/read

Mark notification read

POST api/notifications/read

Mark All notifications read

POST api/notifications/s/{id}/read

Mark notification read

GET api/notifications

Get All my notifications


GET api/enterpriseteams/{id}

Get a single enterprise team

GET api/enterpriseteams/{id}/members

Get a teams resources

GET api/enterpriseteams

Get list of enterprise teams

GET api/enterpriseteams/list/my

Get list of enterprise teams (My teams)

POST api/enterpriseteams

Create an enteprise team

POST api/enterpriseteams/{id}?modMembers={modMembers}

Update an enteprise team

DELETE api/enterpriseteams/{id}

Delete an enterprise team

POST api/enterpriseteams/{id}/updatemembers

Add or Update members in the team

DELETE api/enterpriseteams/{id}/deletemembers

Delete a member in the team

DELETE api/enterpriseteams/{TeamId}/allocations/{ResourceId}

Delete an allocation from a team

POST api/enterpriseteams/{TeamId}/allocations

No documentation available.

POST api/enterpriseteams/{TeamId}/updateallocation

No documentation available.


GET api/globalsearch/recentplans

Get user recent plans for global search section

GET api/globalsearch/favorite

Get user favorite plans on global search section

POST api/globalsearch/search

Search Plans by keyword and search type


POST api/audit/plan

Gets a list of Plan Audits based on the passed filter values.

POST api/audit/plans/deleted

Gets a list of all Audits for deleted plans.

POST api/audit/resource

Gets a list of Resource Audits based on the passed filter values.

POST api/audit/resources/deleted

Gets a list of all Audits for deleted resources.

POST api/audit/financials

Gets a list of Financial Plan Audits based on the passed filter values.

POST api/audit/resources/{planId}

Gets a list of Resource Plan Audits based on the passed filter values.

POST api/audit/sharedwith/{planId}

Gets a list of Shared With Audits based on the passed filter values.

POST api/audit/tasks

Gets a list of Task Audits based on the passed filter values.


POST api/resplan/{id}/copy

POST api/resplan/{LineId}/reallocate?ResMode={ResMode}

No documentation available.

POST api/resplan/{id}/allocate?ResMode={ResMode}

Allocate resource to plan

POST api/resplan/{id}/addresource?Replacing={Replacing}&ResMode={ResMode}

Add resource to plan

DELETE api/resplan/{id}/{lineid}

Delete resource line

POST api/resplan/{id}/replaceresource?ResMode={ResMode}

DELETE api/resplan/{LineId}/comment/{id}

No documentation available.

GET api/resplan/{LineId}/comment

No documentation available.

POST api/resplan/{LineId}/comment

Add comment to resource plan line

POST api/resplan/{id}?ResMode={ResMode}

Update resource plan

GET api/resplan/{id}/capacity?Start={Start}&End={End}&zoom={zoom}

Get Capacity for a Resource

POST api/resplan/capacitychart

No documentation available.

POST api/modeler/resplan/capacitychart

No documentation available.

POST api/resplan/externalimport

Import resources into resource plan


GET api/securitygroups/{id}

Get a single security group

GET api/securitygroups

Get list of security groups

GET api/securitygroups/default

Get default security group

GET api/securitygroups/admin

Get admin security groups

POST api/securitygroups

Create a new security group

POST api/securitygroups/bulk

Bulk create new security groups

POST api/securitygroups/{id}

Update a security group

PATCH api/securitygroups/bulk

Bulk update security group

DELETE api/securitygroups/{id}

Delete a security group

POST api/securitygroups/setdefaultproperty

No documentation available.


DELETE api/workplan/dependency/{id}

Delete Dependency

POST api/workplan/dependency

No documentation available.

POST api/workplan/dependency/{id}

No documentation available.

GET api/workplan/{id}/versions

Get all versions

DELETE api/workplan/{id}/versions/{did}

Delete version

POST api/workplan/{id}/savefragment

Save workplan as fragment

POST api/workplan/{id}/updatefragment

Save workplan as fragment

GET api/workplan/fragments?FragmentCategory={FragmentCategory}

Gets a list of all available fragments

POST api/workplan/{id}/insertfragment

Insert a fragment into a work plan

POST api/workplan/uploadjson

No documentation available.

POST api/workplan/uploadaitemplate

No documentation available.

GET api/workplan/getfragmentfields?FragmentId={FragmentId}&Category={Category}&SubCategory={SubCategory}

No documentation available.

GET api/workplan/getfragmentresources?FragmentId={FragmentId}&Category={Category}&SubCategory={SubCategory}&AssignmentColumn={AssignmentColumn}

No documentation available.

GET api/workplan/{id}/getastemplate

No documentation available.

GET api/workplan/{PlanId}/siblings

Get sibling plans with the same plan type

GET api/workplan/fields?HideSystem={HideSystem}

Get plan level fields

POST api/workplan/fields/{FieldId}

Update a Field

POST api/workplan/fields

Add Field

POST api/workplan/fields/reorder

Reorder fields

POST api/workplan/find

Find plans using a query table filter

GET api/workplan?FilterField={FilterField}&FilterValue={FilterValue}&ShowArchived={ShowArchived}&ShowTemplates={ShowTemplates}&BuiltInField={BuiltInField}

Get all plans

GET api/workplan/{PlanId}

Get workplan by id

POST api/workplan/{PlanId}/subplans

No documentation available.

GET api/workplan/{PlanId}/subplans

Get Child Tree

POST api/workplan

Add a plan

POST api/workplan/{Id}/changetype?PlanType={PlanType}&NewParentId={NewParentId}

Change the type of a plan.

GET api/workplan/user/levels

Get available user levels

GET api/workplan/{Id}/config

No documentation available.

POST api/workplan/{PlanId}/step/approve?state={state}&comment={comment}

Approve a Process Step

GET api/workplan/{PlanId}/processhistory

No documentation available.

POST api/workplan/{PlanId}/step?StepName={StepName}&StepId={StepId}

Update Process Step

POST api/workplan/{PlanId}/stagegates/start?StepName={StepName}&StepId={StepId}

No documentation available.

DELETE api/workplan/{PlanId}/comments/{id}

Delete comment

POST api/workplan/{PlanId}/ratetables

Update Rate Tables

GET api/workplan/{PlanId}/comments

Get plan comments

POST api/workplan/{PlanId}/comments

GET api/workplan/{PlanId}/user

Get user list for Plan

DELETE api/workplan/{PlanId}/user?UserId={UserId}

No documentation available.

POST api/workplan/{PlanId}/user

Update plan user access

GET api/workplan/{PlanId}/sharedwithteam

Get team list for Plan

DELETE api/workplan/{PlanId}/sharedwithteam?TeamId={TeamId}

Delete shared with team

POST api/workplan/{PlanId}/sharedwithteam

Update team access

POST api/workplan/{Id}/costs/{taskId}

Calculate costs for task

POST api/workplan/{Id}/revenue

Calculate tasks cost and revenue (External Use)

DELETE api/workplan/{Id}/split?Field={Field}&LookupValue={LookupValue}&Split={Split}

No documentation available.

POST api/workplan/{Id}/split?Field={Field}&LookupValue={LookupValue}&Split={Split}

No documentation available.

POST api/workplan/{Id}?ChangedFields={ChangedFields}

Updates a plan

DELETE api/workplan/{id}?Archive={Archive}

Delete a work plan

GET api/workplan/{id}/tasks?HasUpdates={HasUpdates}&FilterField={FilterField}&FilterValue={FilterValue}

Get tasks for a plan

GET api/workplan/{id}/taskstree?ScheduleOnly={ScheduleOnly}

No documentation available.

GET api/workplan/{id}/tasks/{taskid}

Get task by id

POST api/workplan/{id}/tasks

Add Task

POST api/workplan/{id}/tasks/{taskid}/updateassignments

Add, Update or remove assignments from the given task in a plan. The list of resource given needs to be a complete/up-to-date list from the requesting system. Support: If resource is not found in current list of assignments, it will be added If resource does not exist in the request list, it will be removed from the current assignments list If request list is empty, all assignments will be removed

DELETE api/workplan/{id}/tasks/{taskid}/assignments/{UserId}

Delete an assignment from a task

POST api/workplan/{id}/tasks/{taskid}/assignments?UserId={UserId}&Units={Units}

Get assignments for task

POST api/workplan/{id}/tasks/{taskid}

Update Task

DELETE api/workplan/{id}/tasks/{taskid}?ignoreTimesheetHours={ignoreTimesheetHours}

Delete task

POST api/workplan/{id}/convert/{conversionid}

Convert a plan


POST api/testgantt/gantt

No documentation available.


POST api/resources/{id}/team

Add or update a team for a resource

DELETE api/resources/{id}/team?TeamId={TeamId}

Remove a team from resource

POST api/resources/{id}/teams

Bulk add or update teams for a resource

GET api/resources/{id}/notifications

Get notification setup for a resource

POST api/resources/{id}/notifications?AllNotifications={AllNotifications}

Update Resource Notifications

GET api/resources/fields

Get list of resource fields

POST api/resources/fields/{id}

Update resource fields

POST api/resources/fields

Add resource field

GET api/resources?email={email}&field={field}&value={value}&Generics={Generics}

Get resources

GET api/resources/list/my?InactiveOnly={InactiveOnly}&TimeOffRequests={TimeOffRequests}&Generics={Generics}

Get My resources

GET api/resources/{id}

Get resource by id

GET api/resources/GetResourceId?Name={Name}&Email={Email}

No documentation available.

GET api/resources/me

Get me

GET api/resources/megroup

Get Group

POST api/resources/{id}/syncphoto?BlankPhoto={BlankPhoto}

Manually syncronize the users photo

POST api/resources/{id}/sendinvite

No documentation available.

POST api/resources?ForceO365={ForceO365}

No documentation available.

POST api/resources/{id}

Updates a resource

DELETE api/resources/bulkdelete

No documentation available.

DELETE api/resources/{Id}

Delete a resource

POST api/resources/find

Find a resource

GET api/resources/find?Name={Name}&Email={Email}&IncludeTeams={IncludeTeams}


GET api/modeler/model?id={id}

Gets a single model based off of the ID

GET api/modeler/models

Gets all models based off the Config ID

GET api/modeler/folders

Gets all Modeler Folders based off the Config ID

GET api/modeler/scenarios

Gets all scenarios based off the Config ID

GET api/modeler/tree

Generates a tree structure of the models

POST api/modeler/new

Creates a new model or updates one depending on if the ID exists or not

POST api/modeler/update

Updates an existing model

DELETE api/modeler/delete

Deletes a model based on the ID

GET api/modeler/users?id={id}&isFolder={isFolder}

Retrieves a list of security users for the model/folder

POST api/modeler/users/deleteuser?entityId={entityId}&userId={userId}&isFolder={isFolder}

Deletes a user from the security list of the model/folder

POST api/modeler/users/addupdateuser?entityId={entityId}&isFolder={isFolder}

Adds a user or updates their permissions on the security list for the folder/model

GET api/modeler/currencyfields?HideSystem={HideSystem}

Gets a list of cost and number plan fields for creating new models

POST api/modeler/folder/new

Creates a new folder or updates one depending on if the ID exists or not

POST api/modeler/folder/update

Updates an existing folder

DELETE api/modeler/folder/delete

Deletes a folder based on the ID

GET api/modeler/folder/tree

Generates a tree structure of the folders

POST api/modeler/model/loadgantt?id={id}&currentScenarioInfo={currentScenarioInfo}

No documentation available.


GET api/tasks/dependency/{TaskId}

Get all dependencies for a task

GET api/tasks/dependency/all

Get all dependencies for a task

POST api/tasks/dependency/{TaskId}/{DepId}?Type={Type}&Lag={Lag}&LagUnit={LagUnit}

Create or Update a Dependency

DELETE api/tasks/dependency/{TaskId}/{DepId}

Delete Dependency

GET api/tasks/fields?HideSystem={HideSystem}

Get list of work level fields

DELETE api/tasks/fields/{id}?WorkPlanId={WorkPlanId}

No documentation available.

POST api/tasks/fields/{id}?WorkPlanId={WorkPlanId}

Update work field

GET api/tasks/localfields?WorkPlanId={WorkPlanId}

No documentation available.

POST api/tasks/fields?WorkPlanId={WorkPlanId}

Add work field

DELETE api/tasks/{taskid}/comments/{id}?Notificationid={Notificationid}

Delete comment

GET api/tasks/{id}/comments

Get Comments for a task

POST api/tasks/{id}/comments?Notificationid={Notificationid}

Add comment to task


GET api/insights/all

Get all insights for all plans

GET api/insights/recent

Get all my recent plans

GET api/insights/favorite

Get my favorite plans

GET api/insights/work?Due={Due}

Get my work

GET api/insights/comments

Get latest comments: Last 10 for each category

GET api/insights/myplans

Get My owned plans

GET api/insights/allplans

Get all plans I have access to

GET api/insights/sharedplans

Get plans shared with me

POST api/insights/homeWidgets

No documentation available.

POST api/insights/getHomePageWidgets

No documentation available.


GET api/integration

Get list of all integrations

DELETE api/integration/{id}

Delete Integration

POST api/integration/{id}

Update Integration

POST api/integration

Update Integration

POST api/integration/connecttoplan?PlanId={PlanId}&IntegrationId={IntegrationId}

Connect plan to an integration.

POST api/integration/updateplanintegration?IsImport={IsImport}

Update plan integration information On Import: (Happens when a plan is updated from an external integrated system) - Stamp the import date time - Save the external item id and item url On Export: (Happens when a plan is fetch from OnePlan) - Only set the export date time


GET api/timeoff

Get my Time Off

GET api/timeoff/categories

DELETE api/timeoff/{id}

Delete time off row

POST api/timeoff

Add time off

PATCH api/timeoff/{Id}

Update time off

PATCH api/timeoff/{Id}/ApproveReject?Approval={Approval}

No documentation available.


GET api/agile/iterations?PlannerId={PlannerId}

Get All Iterations for a plan

POST api/agile/iterations

Create Iteration

POST api/agile/createiterations

Create 1 or more iterations

DELETE api/agile/iterations/{id}

No documentation available.

POST api/agile/iterations/{id}

Update an Iteration


DELETE api/apps?AppId={AppId}

Remove app from Group

GET api/apps?Closed={Closed}

Get apps installed in Group

POST api/apps?AppId={AppId}

Add app to Group

GET api/allapps?HideInstalled={HideInstalled}

Get list of all available apps


POST api/notifications/plan/{planId}/list

Get Plan Notifications for a specific plan.

POST api/notifications/plan/create

Create a Plan Notification by configuring a PlanNotification object

POST api/notifications/plan/{notificationId}/update

Update a Plan Notification by configuring a PlanNotification object

DELETE api/notifications/plan/{id}/delete

Delete a Plan Notification by the notification ID.

POST api/notifications/plan/config/time/{hour}

Create or update a CoreSchedule entity to run Daily/Weekly scheduled jobs for Plan Notifications

GET api/notifications/plan/config/check

Check the configuration to see if a Schedule has been setup for Plan Notifications.


POST api/worklog

No documentation available.

GET api/worklog?TaskId={TaskId}&ExternalId={ExternalId}&IntegrationId={IntegrationId}&LogDate={LogDate}

Get worklog info on a task

GET api/worklog/classes?TaskId={TaskId}&ExternalId={ExternalId}&IntegrationId={IntegrationId}