API | Description |
POST api/visual/modeler/runway |
No documentation available. |
POST api/visual/runway |
No documentation available. |
POST api/visual/modeler/dependency |
Generates Visualizer specifically for the Modeler using the current Modeler plan order/prioritization |
POST api/visual/dependency |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET api/statusreports/my?States[0]={States[0]}&States[1]={States[1]} |
Get a list of my status reports |
GET api/statusreports/mysubmit |
Get list of submitted reports for me to approve |
GET api/statusreports/{id}/pdf |
Get status report as PDF |
GET api/statusreports/{id}/ppt |
Get status report as PPT |
GET api/statusreports/{id}/doc |
Get status report as Word |
GET api/statusreports/{PlanId}?ReportId={ReportId} |
Get latest report for plan |
POST api/statusreports/{id}/approve?Comments={Comments} |
Approves a Report |
POST api/statusreports/{id}/reject?Comments={Comments} |
Rejects a Report |
POST api/statusreports/{id}/recall |
Recall a report |
DELETE api/statusreports/{id} |
Submit a report |
POST api/statusreports/{id}/submit |
Submit a report |
API | Description |
DELETE api/OnePlanDashboard/{id}/{tabId}?Personal={Personal} |
Delete a dashboard tab |
DELETE api/OnePlanDashboard/DeleteDashboardTab/{LinkedToId}/{tabId} |
Delete a dashboard tab |
POST api/OnePlanDashboard/CreateDashboardTab |
Create a new dashboard tab |
POST api/OnePlanDashboard/UpdateDashboardTab/{Name}/{LinkToId}/{TabId} |
Create a new dashboard tab |
PUT api/OnePlanDashboard/EditDashboardTab |
Edit an existing dashboard tab |
API | Description |
POST api/mywork/RejectUpdate?TaskId={TaskId} |
Reject a task update |
POST api/mywork/AcceptUpdate?TaskId={TaskId} |
Approve a task update |
POST api/mywork/{id} |
Update my work task |
GET api/mywork/statusfields |
Get a list of all status fields |
GET api/mywork/getupdate/{id} |
Get an update for a specific task |
GET api/mywork/activities |
Get My Activities |
POST api/mywork/activities |
Update Activities |
GET api/mywork/tasks?PeriodStart={PeriodStart}&PeriodEnd={PeriodEnd}&ShowComplete={ShowComplete}&UserId={UserId} |
Get My Work for period |
API | Description |
GET api/events?List={List} |
Get a list of all events |
GET api/events/{Id}/log |
Get logs for event |
POST api/events |
Add Event |
POST api/events/bylist/{list} | |
POST api/events/{id} |
Update Event |
DELETE api/events/{id} |
Delete Event |
API | Description |
GET api/cost/tree |
Get cost categories tree |
POST api/cost/externalimport |
Import costs from any source. |
POST api/cost/{id}/copy?CostTypeTo={CostTypeTo}&CostTypeFrom={CostTypeFrom}&Start={Start}&End={End} |
Copy costs from one type to another |
POST api/cost/{id}/detail?Index={Index}&CostCategory={CostCategory}&CostType={CostType} |
Add detail row |
API | Description |
POST api/mpp/createplan?template={template}&PlanId={PlanId} |
No documentation available. |
GET api/mpp/templates |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
POST api/notifications/task/{planId}/list |
Get Task Notifications for a specific plan. Will also return Global task notifications if the user has sufficient permissions. |
POST api/notifications/task/{planId}/create |
Create a Task Notification by configuring a TaskNotification object and passing in the Plan Id |
POST api/notifications/task/{planId}/{notificationId}/update |
Update a Task Notification by configuring a TaskNotification object and passing in the Plan Id |
DELETE api/notifications/task/{id}/delete |
Delete a Task Notification by the notification ID. |
POST api/notifications/task/config/time/{hour} |
Create or update a CoreSchedule entity to run Daily/Weekly scheduled jobs for Task Notifications |
GET api/notifications/task/config/check |
Check the configuration to see if a Schedule has been setup for Task Notifications. |
API | Description |
GET api/notifications/surveys |
No documentation available. |
GET api/notifications/new |
Get my new notifications |
POST api/notifications/{id}/read |
Mark notification read |
POST api/notifications/read |
Mark All notifications read |
POST api/notifications/s/{id}/read |
Mark notification read |
GET api/notifications |
Get All my notifications |
API | Description |
GET api/enterpriseteams/{id} |
Get a single enterprise team |
GET api/enterpriseteams/{id}/members |
Get a teams resources |
GET api/enterpriseteams |
Get list of enterprise teams |
GET api/enterpriseteams/list/my |
Get list of enterprise teams (My teams) |
POST api/enterpriseteams |
Create an enteprise team |
POST api/enterpriseteams/{id}?modMembers={modMembers} |
Update an enteprise team |
DELETE api/enterpriseteams/{id} |
Delete an enterprise team |
POST api/enterpriseteams/{id}/updatemembers |
Add or Update members in the team |
DELETE api/enterpriseteams/{id}/deletemembers |
Delete a member in the team |
DELETE api/enterpriseteams/{TeamId}/allocations/{ResourceId} |
Delete an allocation from a team |
POST api/enterpriseteams/{TeamId}/allocations |
No documentation available. |
POST api/enterpriseteams/{TeamId}/updateallocation |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET api/globalsearch/recentplans |
Get user recent plans for global search section |
GET api/globalsearch/favorite |
Get user favorite plans on global search section |
POST api/globalsearch/search |
Search Plans by keyword and search type |
API | Description |
POST api/audit/plan |
Gets a list of Plan Audits based on the passed filter values. |
POST api/audit/plans/deleted |
Gets a list of all Audits for deleted plans. |
POST api/audit/resource |
Gets a list of Resource Audits based on the passed filter values. |
POST api/audit/resources/deleted |
Gets a list of all Audits for deleted resources. |
POST api/audit/financials |
Gets a list of Financial Plan Audits based on the passed filter values. |
POST api/audit/resources/{planId} |
Gets a list of Resource Plan Audits based on the passed filter values. |
POST api/audit/sharedwith/{planId} |
Gets a list of Shared With Audits based on the passed filter values. |
POST api/audit/tasks |
Gets a list of Task Audits based on the passed filter values. |
API | Description |
POST api/resplan/{id}/copy | |
POST api/resplan/{LineId}/reallocate?ResMode={ResMode} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/resplan/{id}/allocate?ResMode={ResMode} |
Allocate resource to plan |
POST api/resplan/{id}/addresource?Replacing={Replacing}&ResMode={ResMode} |
Add resource to plan |
DELETE api/resplan/{id}/{lineid} |
Delete resource line |
POST api/resplan/{id}/replaceresource?ResMode={ResMode} | |
DELETE api/resplan/{LineId}/comment/{id} |
No documentation available. |
GET api/resplan/{LineId}/comment |
No documentation available. |
POST api/resplan/{LineId}/comment |
Add comment to resource plan line |
POST api/resplan/{id}?ResMode={ResMode} |
Update resource plan |
GET api/resplan/{id}/capacity?Start={Start}&End={End}&zoom={zoom} |
Get Capacity for a Resource |
POST api/resplan/capacitychart |
No documentation available. |
POST api/modeler/resplan/capacitychart |
No documentation available. |
POST api/resplan/externalimport |
Import resources into resource plan |
API | Description |
GET api/securitygroups/{id} |
Get a single security group |
GET api/securitygroups |
Get list of security groups |
GET api/securitygroups/default |
Get default security group |
GET api/securitygroups/admin |
Get admin security groups |
POST api/securitygroups |
Create a new security group |
POST api/securitygroups/bulk |
Bulk create new security groups |
POST api/securitygroups/{id} |
Update a security group |
PATCH api/securitygroups/bulk |
Bulk update security group |
DELETE api/securitygroups/{id} |
Delete a security group |
POST api/securitygroups/setdefaultproperty |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
POST api/testgantt/gantt |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET api/modeler/model?id={id} |
Gets a single model based off of the ID |
GET api/modeler/models |
Gets all models based off the Config ID |
GET api/modeler/folders |
Gets all Modeler Folders based off the Config ID |
GET api/modeler/scenarios |
Gets all scenarios based off the Config ID |
GET api/modeler/tree |
Generates a tree structure of the models |
POST api/modeler/new |
Creates a new model or updates one depending on if the ID exists or not |
POST api/modeler/update |
Updates an existing model |
DELETE api/modeler/delete |
Deletes a model based on the ID |
GET api/modeler/users?id={id}&isFolder={isFolder} |
Retrieves a list of security users for the model/folder |
POST api/modeler/users/deleteuser?entityId={entityId}&userId={userId}&isFolder={isFolder} |
Deletes a user from the security list of the model/folder |
POST api/modeler/users/addupdateuser?entityId={entityId}&isFolder={isFolder} |
Adds a user or updates their permissions on the security list for the folder/model |
GET api/modeler/currencyfields?HideSystem={HideSystem} |
Gets a list of cost and number plan fields for creating new models |
POST api/modeler/folder/new |
Creates a new folder or updates one depending on if the ID exists or not |
POST api/modeler/folder/update |
Updates an existing folder |
DELETE api/modeler/folder/delete |
Deletes a folder based on the ID |
GET api/modeler/folder/tree |
Generates a tree structure of the folders |
POST api/modeler/model/loadgantt?id={id}¤tScenarioInfo={currentScenarioInfo} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET api/tasks/dependency/{TaskId} |
Get all dependencies for a task |
GET api/tasks/dependency/all |
Get all dependencies for a task |
POST api/tasks/dependency/{TaskId}/{DepId}?Type={Type}&Lag={Lag}&LagUnit={LagUnit} |
Create or Update a Dependency |
DELETE api/tasks/dependency/{TaskId}/{DepId} |
Delete Dependency |
GET api/tasks/fields?HideSystem={HideSystem} |
Get list of work level fields |
DELETE api/tasks/fields/{id}?WorkPlanId={WorkPlanId} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/tasks/fields/{id}?WorkPlanId={WorkPlanId} |
Update work field |
GET api/tasks/localfields?WorkPlanId={WorkPlanId} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/tasks/fields?WorkPlanId={WorkPlanId} |
Add work field |
DELETE api/tasks/{taskid}/comments/{id}?Notificationid={Notificationid} |
Delete comment |
GET api/tasks/{id}/comments |
Get Comments for a task |
POST api/tasks/{id}/comments?Notificationid={Notificationid} |
Add comment to task |
API | Description |
GET api/insights/all |
Get all insights for all plans |
GET api/insights/recent |
Get all my recent plans |
GET api/insights/favorite |
Get my favorite plans |
GET api/insights/work?Due={Due} |
Get my work |
GET api/insights/comments |
Get latest comments: Last 10 for each category |
GET api/insights/myplans |
Get My owned plans |
GET api/insights/allplans |
Get all plans I have access to |
GET api/insights/sharedplans |
Get plans shared with me |
POST api/insights/homeWidgets |
No documentation available. |
POST api/insights/getHomePageWidgets |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET api/integration |
Get list of all integrations |
DELETE api/integration/{id} |
Delete Integration |
POST api/integration/{id} |
Update Integration |
POST api/integration |
Update Integration |
POST api/integration/connecttoplan?PlanId={PlanId}&IntegrationId={IntegrationId} |
Connect plan to an integration. |
POST api/integration/updateplanintegration?IsImport={IsImport} |
Update plan integration information On Import: (Happens when a plan is updated from an external integrated system) - Stamp the import date time - Save the external item id and item url On Export: (Happens when a plan is fetch from OnePlan) - Only set the export date time |
API | Description |
GET api/details/export/{id}/pdf |
Get form as PDF |
GET api/details/export/{id}/doc |
Get form as Doc |
POST api/details/export/{id}/email |
Get form as Doc |
API | Description |
GET api/timeoff |
Get my Time Off |
GET api/timeoff/categories | |
DELETE api/timeoff/{id} |
Delete time off row |
POST api/timeoff |
Add time off |
PATCH api/timeoff/{Id} |
Update time off |
PATCH api/timeoff/{Id}/ApproveReject?Approval={Approval} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET api/agile/iterations?PlannerId={PlannerId} |
Get All Iterations for a plan |
POST api/agile/iterations |
Create Iteration |
POST api/agile/createiterations |
Create 1 or more iterations |
DELETE api/agile/iterations/{id} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/agile/iterations/{id} |
Update an Iteration |
API | Description |
DELETE api/apps?AppId={AppId} |
Remove app from Group |
GET api/apps?Closed={Closed} |
Get apps installed in Group |
POST api/apps?AppId={AppId} |
Add app to Group |
GET api/allapps?HideInstalled={HideInstalled} |
Get list of all available apps |
API | Description |
POST api/notifications/plan/{planId}/list |
Get Plan Notifications for a specific plan. |
POST api/notifications/plan/create |
Create a Plan Notification by configuring a PlanNotification object |
POST api/notifications/plan/{notificationId}/update |
Update a Plan Notification by configuring a PlanNotification object |
DELETE api/notifications/plan/{id}/delete |
Delete a Plan Notification by the notification ID. |
POST api/notifications/plan/config/time/{hour} |
Create or update a CoreSchedule entity to run Daily/Weekly scheduled jobs for Plan Notifications |
GET api/notifications/plan/config/check |
Check the configuration to see if a Schedule has been setup for Plan Notifications. |
API | Description |
POST api/worklog |
No documentation available. |
GET api/worklog?TaskId={TaskId}&ExternalId={ExternalId}&IntegrationId={IntegrationId}&LogDate={LogDate} |
Get worklog info on a task |
GET api/worklog/classes?TaskId={TaskId}&ExternalId={ExternalId}&IntegrationId={IntegrationId} |